Category: Uncategorized

  • Magic Carpet Ride

    Magic Carpet Ride. Acrylic on canvas. Size: 16 x 12 inches.

    Magic Carpet Ride is a juxtaposition of contrasting colors and tiny, busy surface filigree. This is a completely unplanned process painting inspired by the shining surfaces of an unknown garden as seen from the ride atop the carpet flying above.

  • Undertow

    Undertow. Acrylic on canvas. Size: 20 x 16 inches.

    Undertow is the feeling of counter-movement of the paisleys against the various hues of the blue background. This is a completely abstract, pattern and color-movement work.

  • Sous La Mer

    Sous La Mer. Acrylic on canvas. Size: 16 x 12 inches.

    Sous La Mer is an unplanned process painting. It took up fanciful salmon pinks and multiple greens to show what the undersea might look like to its own inhabitants.

  • Impearmint

    Impearmint. Acrylic on canvas. Size 18 x 14 inches.

    Impearmint is an illustrated pun for impairment of conscience. This is a deeply dark statement on the political situation during the Covid crisis and the 45th presidential administration.

  • Dreamscape Let Go

    Dreamscape Let Go. Acrylic on canvas. Size: 14 x 11 inches.

    Dreamscape Let Go is a moving landscape of dreamy images. It is that time of dreaming when you experience wonderful shapes and colors. It is a joyful time of existence. A floating, euphoric feeling of seeing your dream.

  • Darwin’s Tulips

    Darwin’s Tulips. Acrylic on canvas. Size: 16 x 12 inches.

    Darwin’s Tulips is a series of tulips from varied origins. They are bowing to the sun-drenched morning of an awesome day. The background shimmers behind the color-saturated foreground of draped flowers.

  • Librals

    Librals. Acrylic on canvas. Size: 20 x 16 inches.

    Librals is a specific metaphor using cattails in the swamp with bleeding hearts to show the libral environment. A ladybug and a dragonfly enjoy the view.

  • Aerial Garden

    Aerial Garden. Acrylic on canvas. Size: 14 x 11 inches.

    Aerial Garden is a study of contrasts between the vibrancy of the background’s iris blue and the floating garden flowers. It is abstract and painted using the process of allowing the mind to float while capturing some of its inhabitants.

  • Shake Your Tail Feather

    Shake Your Tail Feather. Acrylic on canvas. Size: 14 x 11 inches.

    Shake Your Tail Feather is a process painting which evokes the undulation of the sea. The surreal sea creatures are dancing to the music.